Wall Mount Inverter (LithiVolt Pro)

A wall-mount inbuilt lithium battery inverter offers a convenient and efficient solution for integrating battery storage and inverter functionality into a single unit. It addresses the growing demand for energy storage solutions that maximize the benefits of solar energy while ensuring reliable and sustainable power supply. Before choosing a system, carefully assess your energy requirements, system compatibility, and regulatory considerations to select the most suitable solution for your home or business.

Key Features

No Fumes (No Acid Inside)

Maintenance Free

Fast Charging

Longer Life

50% Lesser Size

In-Built Li-Po4 Battery


  • Energy Independence:Provides a degree of energy independence by storing solar-generated electricity for use during times of peak demand or power outages.
  • Backup Power:Acts as a reliable backup power source during grid outages, ensuring continuity of power supply to critical appliances.
  • Cost Savings: Optimizes energy usage by storing excess solar energy for use during periods of high electricity demand or when grid electricity rates are at their peak.
  • Environmental Benefits: Reduces reliance on fossil fuels and lowers carbon footprint by maximizing the use of renewable solar energy.
  • Ease of Installation: Simplifies installation processes compared to separate battery and inverter setups, reducing installation time and costs.


  • Residential Homes: Homeowners with solar PV systems can use wall-mount inbuilt lithium battery inverters to store excess solar energy generated during the day for use during evenings or cloudy days. This helps reduce reliance on grid electricity and lowers electricity bills.
  • Small Businesses: Small shops, offices, and restaurants can benefit from wall-mount inbuilt lithium battery inverters by reducing electricity costs through load shifting and peak shaving strategies. These systems provide backup power to maintain business operations during power outages, minimizing disruption and potential revenue loss.
  • Demand Charge Management: Helps commercial facilities manage peak demand charges by storing electricity during low-demand periods (e.g., nighttime) and using it during peak demand times when electricity rates are higher.